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Happy National Dog Day

August 26, 2022

Here at The HBP Neighborhood Design Center we love having canine visitors, and keep fresh water outside and dog treats inside for any dogs that come calling. Happy “National Dog Day” from Hayes Barton Place. We will be a “Pet-Friendly” community and can’t wait to welcome our four-legged friends to Hayes Barton Place in 2024! …Read More…

Respect to Wake County Deputy Ned Byrd at Five Points

August 19, 2022

The show of support for Wake County Deputy Ned Byrd was overwhelmingly apparent today at Five Points for the procession from his funeral service. K-9 units from across the state lined Glenwood Avenue to pay their respects to the fallen officer. We thank all members of law enforcement for their continued service, and our hearts …Read More…

Tomato Harvest Dinner at Mandolin Raleigh

August 16, 2022

Did you know that there are over 10,000 types of tomatoes? We learned this fun fact last night during The Tomato Harvest Dinner at Mandolin Raleigh. Each of the four courses served showcased a different variety of tomato, all of which were harvested from Mandolin’s own farm. Congratulations to Mandolin Restaurant on a job well done, …Read More…

Hayes Barton Place

2600 Yettington Dr
Raleigh, NC 27608


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