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The Hubert Davis Luncheon in The Dean Dome!

December 8, 2022

Priority Partners from Hayes Barton Place in Raleigh, NC, holding a basketball

Since Liberty Senior Living has a marketing partnership with UNC Basketball, we were invited to attend The Hubert Davis Luncheon in The Dean Dome. It was amazing!

Coach Davis spoke to our small crowd for about 20 minutes . Afterwards, he answered questions about the current season, the players and his philosophy of coaching. The common theme of the day was that despite some recent losses, UNC athletics has had many significant wins and regardless of the outcome of any game, every day is a GDTBATH. Go Heels!

Ann Janvier Donna McCaskill

#libertyseniorliving #hayesbartonplace #seniorliving #raleigh #tarheel #deandome #UNC #gdtbath #goheels

Hayes Barton Place

2600 Yettington Dr
Raleigh, NC 27608


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